Just-in-Case Pack

Disaster recovery/preparedness Just-In-Case pack, this comes in a single box and is designed for use by one person.

View full list of contents in specification tab below

We recommend this kit for smaller locations and areas with lower risk of water damage. For a more comprehensive kit including a wider range and number of water absorbent items consider the larger Just in Case case (see recommended items below) .

Location labels are provided with the kit, they can then be placed around the building with the details on where the Just in Case case is housed.

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Code Description Image Pack Size Price Stock QTY
P377-3744 377-3744 Just-in-Case Pack
P377-3744 377-3744
Pack Size: Each Price: £150.00 ex VAT Due in Stock

Pack contents

    Protection For Recovery Team
  1. Tyvek protection Hooded Suits x1
  2. Goggles x1
  3. Hi-Visibility Vest x1
  4. Poncho x1
  5. Dust mask x1
  6. Tough work gloves x1pair

    Clean-Up Items
  1. Mop x1
  2. Broom x1
  3. Heavy duty rubbish bags x3
  4. High Absorbing sponges x2
  5. Dustpan & Brush x1
  6. Smoke sponges x2
  7. Zipper Bags x50
  8. Absorbent Cloths x10
  9. Pel Cloths x2
  10. Bucket with Wringer x1 Handle x1

    Preparing Damage Survey
  1. "Rite in Rain" pad x1
  2. Permanent marker pen x1
  3. Tyvek waterproof labels x50

  1. Safety light sticks x3
    Deflecting & Absorbing Water
  1. Absorbent Strips x10
  2. Absorbent water barricade cushions x2
    Other Useful Items
  1. Red/white Barrier tape x1
  2. Utility knife x1
  3. Duct tape x1

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