By appointment to HM The King Supplier of materials for conservation and preservation Preservation Equipment Ltd
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This silicone coated film is ultra-clear and extremely durable, ideal for mounting presses.
Film is silicone coated making an ideal release film for hot tables and Vacuum Presses, vapour treatments, cleaning and many more applications. It allows work to be viewed during the mounting process for greater accuracy. Furthermore, silicone coated film will last longer than release papers.
Available coated on one side 23 Micron or both sides 23 & 50 Micron.
Micron to Mil (thousandth of an inch) for archival polyester rolls 23 Micron = 1 Mil 50 Micron = 2 Mil
Vinces Road Diss Norfolk IP22 4HQ
Tel: +44(0) 1379 647400 Fax: +44(0) 1379 650582
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