By appointment to HM The King Supplier of materials for conservation and preservation Preservation Equipment Ltd
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Archival Mylar (polyester) Comic book bags for 'Current' comic storage. Acid free Mylar (polyester) material is glass clear and ideal for safe long term archival storage of collectible comics. Mylar is stiffer than polypropylene, tear proof, and will not snag. The stiffer material offers further support to comics, well protected with perfect clarity for viewing.
Size: 184mm x 267mm (7.25" x 10.5") | with 38mm tuck flap (no adhesive)
See 'accessories to fit' below for backing boards for support of comics inside bags.
Vinces Road Diss Norfolk IP22 4HQ
Tel: +44(0) 1379 647400 Fax: +44(0) 1379 650582
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