By appointment to HM The King Supplier of materials for conservation and preservation Preservation Equipment Ltd
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This classic precision-made Japanese Dahlia Sprayer manufactured by Kuramata is a professional quality tool. It creates a consistent fine mist from a variety of liquids for humidification, cleaning and other conservation tasks.
Made from chrome plated solid brass, this heavy duty unit will not rust or pit. Simply fill the dahlia sprayer with liquid of choice and pressurise manually with the hand pump. The simple but effective operation produces a fine, even mist without drops or spatters.
Once pressurised, the unit can dispense up to 100ml of liquid with the push of a lever. You will wonder how you ever got along without the indispensable conservation tool.
Smaller capacity Japanese Dahlia sprayers are available (see 'Alternatives' tab below) but do not match the peerless standard of the Kuramata sprayer. PEL is proud to offer the best.
Vinces Road Diss Norfolk IP22 4HQ
Tel: +44(0) 1379 647400 Fax: +44(0) 1379 650582
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